Family Matters, Girl Meets World

My Little Happy Fish

So I always wanted to find a swimming programme for babies/toddlers, and I happened to chance upon Happy Fish Swim School. They kindly arranged a trial lesson and Kaitlyn seemed to enjoy it. The coach was very patient and had a way with the tots. So I signed her up for lessons.

I was excited to start Kaitlyn on swimming lessons, and with the advice of the staff, I bought her a simple bodysuit, without thermal protection. The water temperature in the Happy Fish pool is warm, and what I like about it is that they use a salt chlorinator as well as UV to disinfect the pools daily. Plus they check the temperature of all who enter the pool, with a quick inspection of hands and feet.

The lessons go along at a nice pace: the main focus of the first few lessons are on kicking and conditioning the tots to water flowing down their face. This is done repeatedly throughout the lesson, and parents are encouraged to continue conditioning them at home during bath time.

Conditioning exercise

Kaitlyn took some time to get the idea of kicking… she would kick, then stop and just float there in my arms! So I had to stop when she stopped, and encourage her to kick in order to move towards the ball. Yes, Kaitlyn loves the toy balls that the coaches use as an incentive.

On top of kicking, the tots also learn how to float on their backs, getting them used to the feeling of water in their ears. Kaitlyn quite resisted this at first, and holding onto a ball was what she needed to keep calm.

| See how relaxed she is with the ball? |

The tots are also taught the right way to enter the pool, not by jumping in, but by leaning forward so it’s a head-first dive. This is really important as the tots learn not to just jump straight in as that may result in their head knocking against the wall!

Kicking exercise

Personally, I think the school and the coaches on the whole are great! However there were some hiccups: the first coach we were assigned to for her class did not seem to give instructions clearly and didn’t connect as well as the trial coach did with Kaitlyn, and myself included. I put in a request to switch coaches, but this did result in a lapse for her lessons.

After some time, we finally got a coach, named R, who was a perfect fit! He’s amazing with the kids, and I began to see a huge improvement in Kaitlyn’s enthusiasm and progress!! From a baby who was scared of her hair being washed, or water entering her ears, she now happily tries to ‘dive’ into the water and kick over to me. She has no fear climbing out of the pool, or getting ‘dropped’ into the water to kick up to me.

Submerging exercise

In fact, whenever I say “kick kick kick” at home, she immediately walks up to the laundry line and grabs her swimsuit. It is too cute! Ok ok, I’m her mom so of course I’ll say she’s cute 😂!

So yes, we both look forward to swim lessons, and it’s a great bonding activity. Even Kaitlyn’s godmother has commented how Kaitlyn seems so happy during and after the lesson, almost as if she’s thinking:

“I get to have Mommy all to myself and it’s so much fun!”

Not to mention, there are also sing-a-long songs all coaches use for each exercise! Warning: the tunes can get stuck in your head!

An exercise consisting of submerging and kicking

After the lesson, it’s shower time at the school. Happy Fish has tried to anticipate parents’ needs: lockers, nappy changing tables inside and outside, plastic bathtubs, even giant sinks shaped like bathtubs with a handheld shower head for the really young babies. There are also closed-door showers with a small corner bench, clothes hooks, and shower heads with good water pressure.

My only complaint would be the changing tables just outside the showers – they are extremely high for vertically-challenged people, like me. I have to resort to using the outside changing tables (Ikea brand) that are of the right height for me. Thank goodness Kaitlyn can now stand, and is using pull-ups, making it easier to dress her!

All in all, I’m happy with how Happy Fish Swim School (especially coach R) has really helped in Kaitlyn’s love for swimming, and hope to see her soon swimming independently in the pool!

| Just keep swimming, just keep swimming |

While I’m swimming, I sing songs in my mind.

Alexander Popov

This is not a paid advertisement.
I am just sharing my experience with Happy Fish Swim School, and more importantly, how my little girl is loving her swim lessons! It’s always great to start them young!