Family Matters, Mother musings

Baby Essentials: My Top 10 – Tried & Tested

As a second-time mom, I have the opportunity for a do-over. In what sense? I’m talking about products! There is a HUGE market for baby items! Each brand tries its best to make it seem like their product is a must-have, something every mother can’t live without.

This time round, I had the freedom to buy anything I wanted, unlike before. I could go crazy and splurge on anything I thought amazing, cute, useful etc. BUT, while I had the urge to get everything for Kaitlyn, I found myself savvier, practical, and knowing how to source for good bargains/deals.

Seeing how I did not have the luxury of being sponsored or gifted with products, I had to think smart and decide exactly what I needed on this re-entry into motherhood. I thought back to when Joshua was young. As a first-time mom then, I had bought a lot of stuff for him, some of which turned out superfluous.

After 11 years, I wanted to do the same for Kaitlyn, but without the frills. Some things I bought again simply because it had been indispensable, a brand I trusted, or just brought back memories of Joshua as a baby. Others were new inventions or products that hadn’t existed during his babyhood.

I’d like to share my top 10 products that have proven absolutely useful and a life-saver for my parenting journey with Kaitlyn:

Mothercare Darlington Cot Bed

Mothercare is a brand I love and trust, ever since I was pregnant with Joshua. Even my own mother bought this brand for me when I was a baby, from clothes to my highchair etc.

Joshua also had a cot bed, so there was no question that Kaitlyn would lay to dream only on a Mothercare cot bed.

Brevi Changing Tablet

Something I wish I had in my first journey would be this! Fits right over the cot, this practical changing mat with 3 storage compartments could also be placed on any flat surface. It’s also lightweight, making it easy for a vertically-challenged mother like me to move it around 😂.

Stokke Flexi Bath

This innovative bath tub that could be folded for storage was really useful during her first year. It stores away easily with the clip, and I like the transparency of the sides for safety reasons. It also comes with an optional insert for newborns.

Maxi-Cosi Euro NXT Gravity

Joshua was kept safe in the car with Maxi Cosi car seats, and I’m continuing the tradition. This model is the most advanced convertible car seat, allowing from birth to 4 years of age. A child could sit rear-facing up to around 30 months old, and forward-facing after. It has the latest state-of-the-art technology, GCELL™ and Air Protect™ for an ultimate side impact protection, and ISOGO™ to ensure the seat is always correctly installed. Kaitlyn sat comfortably in this from day 1 when I brought her home, and enjoys it even now with her car toys and books in front of her as we go about our daily commute 🚘.

Haenim UV Steriliser 3rd Generation

Gone are the days of boiling hot water, or steam-sterilising bottles and waiting for them to dry. Whoever created this, I raise my hat to you. With Joshua, I didn’t use a steriliser much as I nursed him directly. But it’s a different situation with Kaitlyn.

This magic box dries and sterilises your bottles all in one cycle! You can even choose to just dry or sterilise, or put it on Auto cycle. With the spacious interior, you can sterilise bottles, teats, pacifiers and even small toys with ease. This product is definitely one of my favourite baby items to have ❤! I’m sterilising almost everything in there 😂.

Braun ThermoScan5 Thermometer

All mothers rely on a thermometer for when their baby is unwell. It is an essential tool, and Braun is a trusted brand that even doctors use. As I had sold off Joshua’s ear thermometer, I had to get a new one for Kaitlyn, so naturally, I went back to Braun 😊.

Philips Avent Baby Monitor SCD580

Not one to jump on the bandwagon of technology, I was looking for a simple baby monitor to alert me when the baby cries. I didn’t need those with video as I’m only a room away from her. This monitor plays lullabies and projects colourful stars and clouds on the wall/ceiling. Kaitlyn loves this, and would call out for ‘Star!’ each night when it’s bedtime 🤩. This was also an item that travelled with her to the grandparents when she had to stay there while I was overseas. It’s useful, and brought about a beloved bedtime routine.

Babyzen Yoyo Stroller

Joshua’s stroller was a Maxi Cosi Taxi frame, which could fit his Maxi Cosi Cabrio seat. As he got bigger, he moved on to a Maclaren Quest that lasted him till he was 3 before I sold it off. Now, Kaitlyn’s vehicle is the Babyzen Yoyo, and it is revolutionary. I love how light it is, how simple, how compact, how easy to manoeuvre, and how easy to clean! It even has a carry strap, and a carry bag. I just love everything about this stroller. Originally blue, I also bought a red seat pack so I could interchange during washes. Love it! Plus, did I mention it’s 🛩cabin sized 💺?

Baby Bjorn Training Seat

This easy-to-use training seat is a must-have for potty training 👍🏻! As with Joshua, I used a traditional sit down potty at the beginning, then graduated to this training seat (with stool) as the kids grew. Just have it on a hook in the toilet, place on the regular toilet seat 🚽, and your child sits on it and does her business 💩. I like this so much, that I bought two — one for home, one for grandparents’ place 🙌🏻.

Hegen bottles

Last but not least, I didn’t have to use bottles for Joshua as he was directly breastfed till 3. I’d tried Avent and Nuk in the beginning but they ended up being sold due to non-use. With Kaitlyn, I discovered a new brand, Hegen, which turned out to be the brainchild of someone I know. And we have a winner 🙌🏻! The innovation behind it intrigued me, and I decided to show my support and try it out — I fell in love ❤! The design of the bottle was unique and yet stylistically simple. I really liked the twist to open, press to close concept, and the squarish shape. And the accessories like the spout and food divider converter made the whole system seamless. I especially love the PINK series! One of the best inventions of this decade, Hegen is a quality baby care product for all mothers to take note of 👍🏻. Now that Kaitlyn has outgrown her bottles, I’ve been using them for snack storage and as a normal water bottle for myself.

I did not include toys in the top 10 list as these are really too many and subjective. However, I have to share just two honorable mentions: the Munchkin Mozart Music Cube, and vtech’s Alphabet Town. These two toys were absolute favourites of Joshua’s when he was a toddler. I even had to pack them along for our overseas vacations! These toys were the last to be sold as he grew up, but when Kaitlyn came along, I scoured the internet for them again, and now, she is enjoying them as much as Joshua did.

~ Munchkin Mozart Music Cube ~
~ vtech Alphabet Town ~

This is not a paid advertisement.
I am just sharing my own honest opinions on the products I have bought for my kids. These were not sponsored or gifted items. I hope that in sharing, other parents may find the information useful.